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This is the first song in Back to School, it is sung by Mr. Davis with the Youth Group.



Let's take a trip to the creation
Head on down to the revelation
The train is waiting at the gospel station
So get on board The Bible Train
We'll pass by the women and the men of faith
We'll hear about God and his amazing grace
How Jesus on the cross, he took our place
So glad you came
Welcome to The Bible Train

There's Adam and Eve, Noah and his boat
Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph's coat
Miriam and Moses, count 1 to 10
The commandments God gave to him!
Joshua, the walls tumblin' down, Samson with the strength that did astound
Meet Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz too
and the train keeps rollin' on through!

Samuel and David the mighty king, killed Goliath with a rock and sling
Wiseman Solomon got the temple erected
Elisha did things no one expected
Nehemiah and Esther, the bravest queen, Job who lost about everything
Daniel down in the lion's den, Jonah and the whale and the fix he got in

Let's take a trip to the creation
Head on down to the revelation
The train is waiting at the gospel station
So get on board The Bible Train
We'll pass by the women and the men of faith
We'll hear about God and his amazing grace
How Jesus on the cross, he took our place
So glad you came
Welcome to The Bible Train

And Finally there's Jesus, God's only son
He showed his love for everyone
By dying on the cross for all our sins
and conquering death by rising again
The Bible Train is always near
And Jesus says "The End is Near!"
And every time you climb aboard you learn a little more about the Lord
So read your Bible and take a trip through the people and places you'll find in it
You see the sign and the end of the track?
It says "Jesus Christ is a-comin' back!"

Let's take a trip to the creation
Head on down to the revelation
The train is waiting at the gospel station
So get on board The Bible Train
We'll pass by the women and the men of faith
We'll hear about God and his amazing grace
How Jesus on the cross, he took our place
So glad you came
Welcome to The Bible Train
